Friday, January 9, 2015

Be Aware of Safety Issues Before Hailing a Ride with Uber

 To Uber or Not to Uber? Ridesharing Faces Controversy

The big technology story for 2014 is Uber, the wildly popular ridesharing app that has revolutionized the taxi business. Great ideas, however, often experience growing pains. This month we bring you up to speed on possible safety risks using Uber.

Uber Call

Downloads of the Uber app continue at a brisk pace, ranking #41 on the Apple App Store. Read more.
With one tap of a smartphone app, Uber is upending the taxi business and changing the way people around the world commute. The meteoric rise of Uber, and other ridesharing services like Lyft and Sidecar, offer convenience and savings for riders while creating new work opportunities for drivers. But concerns about oversight, safety, pricing and worker rights have made 2014 a bumpy ride for Uber.  You should know the risks of ridesharing and your rights (or lack thereof) as a passenger. E-hail for more. >>>


Uber VideoLearn How Uber Connects Riders With Drivers

Uber is a transportation networking company (TNC) that connects riders directly with drivers through a downloadable smartphone app and other advanced technologies. See how it works on the Uber YouTube channel. View video.

Uber Myths“Who’s Driving You” Takes On Ridesharing

“Who’s Driving You” is an initiative of the Taxicab, Limousine & Paratransit Association that opposes unregulated ridesharing services, such as Uber, and highlights the risks for passengers, drivers and pedestrians. View video.

Extinct TaxisWill Taxicabs Soon Be Extinct?

PBS Newshour’s Making Sense is an online program that covers business and economics. Paul Solman reports on how the traditional taxicab could soon be an endangered species thanks to ridesharing services. View video.

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Wrongful Death Wrongful death occurs when someone is killed as a result of the negligence (carlessness) of another. And as tragic as the loss of life is, financial compensation is the sole remedy avaialalbe at law to compensate for the value of the life of the deceased.

In a wrongful death action, the claim seeks to determine and receive compensation for the full value of the life lost. The claim is sought on behalf of the surviving spouse, children, parents, or heirs.

In pursuing a "wrongful death" action based on negligence, the Plaintiff has the burden of proof (by a preponderance of the evidence). Continue reading.

You Should Know is a copyrighted publication of Voice2News, LLC, and is made possible by the attorney shown above. This newsletter is intended for the interest of past and present clients and other friends of this lawyer. It is not intended as a substitute for specific legal advice.

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